Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"An Explanation" A Poem by Kansas Elder Egg Rock

An Explanation

How can I say it so you understand?
It was like a first snowfall
so soft, pure, gentle.
Enchanting in its beauty. Covering everything.
Altering plans.  Removing choices.
Constraining one to a smaller, more domestic world.
Not a bad world, just smaller and more domestic.
Digging out from all that accumulated beauty is exhausting work,
especially as more snow falls.

--Elder Egg Rock

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Virginia Arthur said...

Dear Egg Rock, thank you for your images of snow in words and photography. TUrtle GG

Cindy said...

Thank you for sharing a poem that so perfectly captures a feeling of accumulated entrapment and how "exhausting" it becomes as we struggle to free ourselves. The photo reminds me that snow nourishes the earth and underneath it all lies flowers waiting to open up. A hopeful message.

RiverSoul said...

Dear Egg Rock,

A poem should make us see some event or concept in a new way, and "Explanation" does that very well.

I now will be much more aware of how a snowstorm hinders choices, and although not bad, how it restricts our world and makes lives more domestic.

Thank you for sharing and for the enlightenment. RiverSoul

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